AI in Action 2️⃣ AI For Government. It is possible!

September 13, 2024

10 min read

Hello from Citymind. This is our first ever newsletter and we are very glad to have you on board. „AI in action 🛸” magazine is here and we believe it becomes something you look forward to each month!

In our first edition, we cover:
1. AI for government, key use cases
2. AI Agents already working for municipalities and cities!
3. State of AI implementation in Czech public administration
4. GenAI effectivness by approach
5. What’s next

AI in action is here, and we're officially launching! Enjoy the journey with us 🛸

1. AI for government, key use cases
1) AI Agents for citizen services
- Key Use Case: AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can streamline government-citizen interactions, offering 24/7 support for queries, filing requests, and providing information. This use case is vital as it improves accessibility and efficiency in public services.
- Impact: Reduces the workload on officials, shortens response times, and enhances the user experience for citizens.
- Example: Citymind AI Agent

2) AI in Administrative Automation
- Key Use Case: AI copilots integrated into office systems can assist officials in daily administrative tasks, while AI agents embedded in government portals can help automate internal processes and support decision-making. These AI copilots streamline document processing, data entry, scheduling, and other routine tasks, making administrative work more efficient.
- Impact: This approach leads to significant improvements in operational efficiency by reducing the time spent on manual tasks, improving accuracy, and allowing officials to focus on higher-level responsibilities.
- Example: AI copilots embedded into systems; AI copilots for office suites: Gemini and Microsoft Copilot

3) AI in video surveillance systems
- Key Use Case: AI can enhance public safety by enabling real-time analysis of video feeds for detecting and predicting criminal activities or identifying potential security threats.
- Impact: Improves the effectiveness of surveillance operations, assists law enforcement, and potentially deters crime through proactive monitoring.
- Example: London Metropolitan Police’s Live Facial Recognition, Czech Police using AI cameras on Airport.

4) AI for environmental monitoring
- Key Use Case: AI can analyze large datasets from drones, sensors, satellites, and other sources to monitor environmental conditions, monitor wildlife, crops, and support sustainable management of natural resources.
- Impact: Enhances the government's ability to respond to environmental challenges, supports disaster preparedness, and informs policy-making for sustainable development.
- Example: drones with build-in AI, Copernicus Programme (EU)

Other great areas of AI implementation in government include Healthcare and Public Health, Policy Analysis, Transportation and Traffic Management, and most definitely Education, there is a platform in Czechia focusing on bringing AI to children, called „AI dětem”.

2. AI Agents already working for municipalities and cities!
This newsletter is all about bringing AI into the real world, to help us reduce inefficient work, automate tasks, free one’s hands in their work, to reduce costs, to ensure higher customer/client satisfaction, we could continue what else AI is capable of 🤩. All of it is also possible in public and state administrations and in public institutions. Our AI agents (bots) are already working alongside officials in Czech municipalities.

1st Use case
Our first ever implementation was in a Mucipality of Mokrá-Horákov↗ , (≈ 3 thousand inhabitants) and since May 2024 this AI agent called TessaBot solves more than thousand queries every month, succesfuly reducing officials work. You can of course try it yourself by clicking on a link. Feel free to give us feedback!

2nd Use case
To show a larger use case we can talk about the AI for Mikulov City Office↗ handling at least 2x more agenda to help citizens with and tackling more complex life situations 🤩.If you'd like to explore possibilities of Citymind AI agents for your organisation, book a free consultation with us! Book a consultation in Calendly ↗ We’d like to hear from you as a citizen how AI can help you right in a place where you live. 🌍 That’s why we are introducing this initiative, where you can express your wishes for a modern AI-enabled public administration, with potential to bring AI to your region, by just filling a simple anonymous form↗ .

3. State of AI implementation in Czech public administration
Czechia, home to our startup, is ambitiously stepping into the spotlight as a technological leader in the AI era, alongside other European nations. The Czech government recently unveiled its National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2030 focusing on: 1) Research, development and innovation, 2) Education and training, 3) Skills and labour market implications of AI, 4) Ethical and legal aspects, 5) Security aspects, 6) Industry and Entrepreneurship and 7) Public administration and public services (24.7.2024, MPO ). MPO says: „AI can streamline and simplify work, from automating routine tasks to assisting with more complex decision-making. Actions under the strategy include digitisation and automation of public services, training of public administration staff, implementation of ethical and security standards and support for sharing good practice.”  

Government AI Readiness Index 2023 💡

By Government AI Readiness Index 2023 Czechia ranks 2nd in the Eastern Europe with a score of 65.17 compared to regions leader Estonia (70.86). The region ranks third globally after North America and Western Europe. This Index is a ranking that measures how prepared governments around the world are to implement and benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Evaluating countries based on several factors that contribute to their ability to adopt and leverage AI effectively within their public sector. ( Oxford Insights , 2023)

4. GenAI effectivness by approach
When talking about AI systems efficiency, Gartner published a list where GenAI is currently effective and where isn’t. Lowest points got Prediction forecasting and Decision Inteligence and then Medium efficiency gets Segmentation/classification and Recommendation systems - there Gartner suggests using alternative AI techniques. Where GenAI is highly useful in 2024 is content generation and Conversational user interfaces, such as Virtual assistants, chatbots and digital workers - such as our own AI agents already helping in public sector, becoming your new effective coworker.

5. What’s next
In the October issue, you can look forward to some exciting content about AI for business, new era of customer support. We would like to invite you to events when you can see us:
14.10.2024 - Dny AI 2024: „AI 4 GOV” panel discussion, taking place 9:00-13:00 (CET) in Archimedes, Brno Exhibition Centre
21.10.2024 in the afternoon - Conference: AI transformation of public administration↗ at AI hub Rohanské nábřeží 19, Prague Karlín, hosted by Česká asociace umělé inteligence. Registrations are free.
Book a consultation in Calendly ↗
Contact for sales: Ing. Andrej Gono, CEO
Tel.: +420 703 973 474

Citymind solutions s.r.o.
AZ Tower, Pražákova 1008/69, 639 00 Brno-jih, IČO: 19776438

This newsletter is brought to you by our CMO Martin Mikulášek and his teammates. Feel free to reach out to us!




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